Form of Government

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In the standpoint of natural law, the fundamental of socialism violates the right of freedom in first hand and right of property in second. The theory of socialism is built on the violation of natural law and absolutism. Let’s look at the detail views on both of the suppressed and oppressed rights. The transformatory project for the establishment of the good life has been eclipsed by socialist orthodoxy. Furthermore, ethico-political reality glided of the statist administrative goals, or simply, adopted values of liberals. Nevertheless, control has not been attained through liberal values which draw critics – its partial concept of freedom, obvious failures of market, its individualism (Ojeili, 2002).

Additionally, post-modernism has been unconvinced about the notion of unitary human essence on the dispute face of liberals and communitarians features. In fact, ethics and politics appear unthinkable without such as universalistic aspirations. The universalists commitments of ethics of emancipation focus both freedom and equality, and the institution of true political community against distortion and supremacy of capital and state. Politics should be primary in proper condition of ethical engagement adjacent to the modern passion with ethics, which is often depoliticized, defensive, privatized, sloganistic and trivial (Ojeili, 2002). According to Ojeili, author argue that, in the line with Castoriadis’ strictures, “such a political community and aspiration to truly ethical and political deliberation, can only be attained when socialists free themselves from belief in the possibility of extra social guarantees other that the free play of passions and needs and from the expectation of end to tension and dilemmas around question of ...

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...or most people because the system takes money of someone to give another one. This action is morally polluted on the backdrop of thievery. Freedom is never secure inasmuch as a ruling class is allowed to monopolize the very means of production. The deontological aspect of the socialism fails to act in a right way taking individual into the custody of government power and act like a thief. Also, socialism refutes the right to absolutely be the owner of – labor, land and even one’s self leading to serfdom or slavery. The applied ethics also sheds light on the overall wrong outcomes that the socialism brings about. In teleological study, the demise of socialist governments is an outcome of impracticability of socialism. The utilitarian aspect also illustrates the outcomes is not most good for most people. Therefore, socialism is evil and unethical form of government.

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