Julius Caesar Leadership

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Julius Caesar was the dictator of Rome in his prime. Some say his journey to the top was paved in corruption, other claimed he was a man of the people. His enemies knew to fear him for his ruthlessness. His followers adored him because everything that he had succeeded in was done for them. Unfortunately, his betrayal transpired by his senators who felt he had grown too powerful and stabbed him to death. However, Julius Caesar’s connection to the political world, his innate ability as an army general, and his desire to advocate for the rights of his people made him a great leader. Julius Caesar was born into aristocracy. His father was said to be related to the goddess Venus and his mother’s lineage claimed to be that of the first kings. Seeing …show more content…

Undeniably, Caesar was a great general who found out early in his military career that his strength was in leading and executing his plans. Moreover, his most memorable battle was against the Gaul. Adrian Goldsworthy suggests that “Caesar was as much- or even more- a politician as he was a general” (Goldsworthy 1). His political connections helped him climb the ladder, but his military expertise had his name on every Romans lips. However, Caesar was ruthless to his enemies, but due to his fearlessness and slow advances on the battlefield, he single-handedly doubled the size of Rome with the defeat of Gaul. The author Miriam Greenblatt advocates that in Julius Caesar and the Roman Republic “ he discovered that he was very good at warfare,” (Greenblatt 18) and she continues that Caesar was so skilled in his ability that he knew just when and where to place his soldiers to defeat his enemies and that he could obtain the money and taxes from those that he subjugated that he very rapidly bailed himself out of debt, and put the money back into Rome (Greenblatt 19) Greenblatt also suggests that because of the Gallic Wars , “Rome had almost doubled the size of the Roman Empire and brought Roman culture- including good roads an Roman system of laws- to northwestern Europe,” (Greenblatt 24). Due to his great skills as a general, he had the unwavering support of his soldiers. Additionally, Greenblatt proposes that …show more content…

The kings who ruled before him had lost sight of Roman law, in Caesars opinion. Subsequently, before he rose to power, he was sickened at the decisive way the Senate and the kings punished the people. Miriam Greenblatt points out in Julius Caesar and the Roman Republic, that when the senators of Rome and the king collectively decide to execute those they felt conspired against Rome, Caesar opposed them arguing that Roman law declares that its citizens deserve a trial (Greenblatt 16). Due to this, it is noted that “people admired his political courage and moderation,” (Greenblatt 16). Furthermore, During his war with Pompey, he instructed his soldiers not to kill their fellow citizens. Philip Matyszak asserts in The Sons of Caesar Imperial Rome’s First Dynasty, “he urged his soldiers to remember that their opponents were Romans, and to spare whomsoever they could” (Matyszak 66). Caesar also prided himself on equality for all his Roman citizens. Due to this, “established colonies for unemployed Romans throughout Italy and the provinces” (Greenblatt 37). Amazingly, Caesar was also able to” institute more severe penalties for murder and other violent crimes. He guaranteed freedom of worship to Rome’s Jews. He reformed a new calendar. (Greenblatt 37-38) Caesar also eliminated tariffs for his soldiers. He allowed them to receive more money by not charging them for rations, like other military generals had done to their troops.

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