What Does Social Work Mean To You Essay

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Journeys are to be made to discover one’s true self, who we are when the courtesies are stripped away and what we stand for. Too often, we become sedentary, stuck in the same old routine, and too comfortable with our lives and situations the way they are. This results in little to no action being taken to do anything or go anywhere new that allows us to learn or evolve as a person. Through the process of a journey we can break this never ending cycle. When the comfortable surroundings are stripped away and all that is left is the unfamiliar, you have no choice but to face yourself. We can discover who we truly are, change our ideals, or simply expand our knowledge of ourselves and others.
From time to time, it is easy to get side tracked and …show more content…

It is almost impossible to not be open or entertain beliefs and ideas different than your own. After experiencing other cultures and being open-minded, the way you think will be changed. The journey of social work exposes one to many cultures far and wide, allowing the individuals eyes to become open to the issues presently at hand. Gandhi is known as a role model to many people, especially those in the field of social work, for his endless efforts towards social justice. Mahatma Gandhi believed that for all of his revolutionary work for others, he was also developing and growing personally. The work he done was just as much for himself as it was for those in need (Walz). It was a journey that allowed him to progress while influencing those around him along the way. While the progression of one’s perspective is important, becoming self-aware is also …show more content…

By being put in a place or situation that is not familiar or comfortable you are left to face your flaws. Contrary, when in your comfort zone it is easy to adapt and hide your shortcomings from the world. However scary this may seem, there is some comfort in putting everything out in the open. When we are most vulnerable we tend to find others that are in the same state. This relates back to Gandhi’s belief that we should come to together as one to help the oppressed and less fortunate. Gandhi held the belief that social work and helping others should be about, “compassion for others over pursuit of self-interest, and social justice over individual achievement”. As we are improving our pitfalls, there are times that we are meant to meet people that make us the better, less self-involved versions of ourselves as well (Walz). Realizing your shortcomings can be a humbling experience but it rarely happens in your comfort zone. Whenever these imperfections come to light, it will be an enlightening

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