Jordon is Prepared for Globalization

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Jordan has many issues stemming from cultural change and integration related to globalization. Many of these issues relate to its population being almost entirely Muslim. As with other Islamic countries in the Middle East, Jordan has faced significant resistance when dealing with Western countries. Thanks primarily to its rulers, Kings Hussein and Abdullah II, Jordan has dealt with these problems far better than many of its neighbors.

Jordan has, in particular, faced the problem of modernity better than other Middle East nations. This can be partly attributed to its lack of heavy industry, which is notoriously hard and expensive to modernize and upgrade. But more importantly, Jordan has kept pace with economic and technological changes as they happen in the West. Jordan’s policy of peace and neutrality with other countries, both nearby and far away, has helped it to focus its economy on advancement, instead of being plagued by war. Although it still faces many of the threats of war and terrorism that other nearby countries face, its position as a stable and settled region has helped it to avoid significant bloodshed for many years.

Homogenization has also been an issue for Jordan. It has dealt with this issue in a rather unique way that has helped it to work well within the global economy, while still maintaining and sense of individuality. Jordan’s Muslims are typically very dedicated and resolute about their religion. However, after their experiences with war and fighting throughout the 60’s and 70’s, the Jordanians have become both tolerant and acceptant of other cultures. Their beliefs are closely held, but they do not aggress onto those who do not share their beliefs. Once again, thanks to the guidance of their ...

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Works Cited
Adams, David (2002).Moving from a culture of war to a culture of peace. Fellowship.

Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs (2006, Oct). Jordan. Retrieved April 1, 2007, from US Department of State Web site:

CIA, The world factbook - Jordan. Retrieved March 11, 2007, from CIA - The World Factbook Web site:

Hanioğlu, M. Şükrü (1995). The young turks in opposition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Metz, Helen Chapin, ed. Jordan: A Country Study. Washington: GPO for the Library of Congress, 1991.

Williams, Henry Smith (1904). The historians' history of the world. New York: The Outlook Company.

Jordan history (2001). Government of Jordan. Retrieved April 1, 2007, from The Office of King Hussein I of Jordan Web site:

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