John F Kennedy JFK Assassination

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The Assassination of JFK The assassination of John F. Kennedy has piqued the curiosity of millions across America for decades. At first America banded together in one of the nation's most tragic events ever. However the case that was never closed provoked curiosity. Curiosity led to ideas, and those ideas led to a conspiracy theory. The facts prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Lee Harvey Oswald killed the president and furthermore they prove that he more than likely did not work alone. To learn about his assassination, one must first understand the kind of person JFK was. JFK was a democratic president during the Civil Rights Era. Daniel Sparks, an American citizen who was very young during the JFK presidency, remembers JFK as an advocate of civil rights but was not nearly the strongest Civil Rights president. Sparks contends that you could cut the racial tension with a knife during this time period, however he believes that Kennedy's policies were not intense enough to provoke an assassination by even the most bigoted of southerners. JFK was not very aggressive on civil rights. He did not get emotional about the issue because he relied on southern democrats for many votes. The President instead opted to use his executive powers in an "actions speak louder than words" approach. The notion that Lee Harvey Oswald murdered the president because he was bigot against civil rights holds very little water when you consider other possibilities. JFK also had a "playboy image." He was known for having a relationship with American icon Marilyn Monroe and a friendship with entertainer Frank Sinatra. The media enjoyed playing off this image and his charisma was something that all politicians coveted. Another one of JFK's personality traits Sparks recalls is that he loves being in control. If something was not right JFK wanted to be the one to fix it. Sparks believed that it was this admirable trait that may have gotten JFK killed. JFK wanted to fix the Central Intelligence Agency after the "Bay of Pigs" scandal embarrassed the United States. The Bay of Pigs was, in short, a plan to over throw the Cuban government and it's leader. The CIA would take Cuban exiles under their wing, train them military style until they were ready for action. When they were ready they were suppose to spark a revolution, destroy the Cuban government, kill Castro and implement a new noncommunist government.

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