A Discourse Community By John Swales

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What is a discourse community? According to John Swales, a linguistics professor at the University of Michigan, “A discourse community has a broadly agreed set of common public goals” (220). These common goals could be that of set rules or mission statements. In Addition, “A discourse community has mechanisms of intercommunication among its members” (221). This means that these communities have their own general, yet specialized way, of communicating. He also states that, “A discourse community uses its participatory mechanisms primarily to provide information and feedback” (221). He states that the use of emails, text, newsletters are in place to communicate information and feedback. Swale’s mentions the development of lexis for communication purposes in a discourse, a type of specialized language. Overall, a discourse community is a community that has its own structure and communication that is different from any other discourse. Within my discourse community of patient transport, one must be a patient transporter to understand the procedures. Being in patient transport means we have direct contact with the patients. To be a transporter, one must be CPR certified, have interpersonal skills and …show more content…

Through Orientation the new comers learn a lot of information that goes in one ear and spills out the other as soon as they leave. So we have the veterans train the newcomers for about two weeks on the job about all the rules and conduct that they supposedly learn in orientation. Our communication is always face to face until our training is over. This is a major key in making sure that the new comers are effective in carrying out the goals of the department. The vets are the major players in our discourse community because they have the most knowledge and experience first-hand. Without them the community would practically fall apart because you would have newbies teaching other

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