John B Watson The Little Albert Experiment

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John B. Watson at a very young age showed his potential. He was enrolled at Furman University at the age of sixteen, he received his master’s degree there. After receiving his masters at Furman University he transferred to University of Chicago getting his Ph.D. He became an instructor there at the University of Chicago for four years and then becoming a professor at The Johns Hopkins University. Later on Watson became chairman of a well-known journal called Psychological Review. “In this paper, Watson rejected the introspective techniques of the school of structuralism and declared that psychology must become the science Mentalistic concept must be replaced by empirical study of observable behavior only” (Evans, 2). Soon enough Watson was …show more content…

This was called the Little Albert study. The experiment was designed to test the theory that an infant could be conditioned to fear an animal that is shown at the same time that a loud noise is being made. In the beginning of the experiment the rat was shown to Albert with no loud noise. Albert showed no signs of fear. But when there was a loud noise made when the rat was shown he started crying and having avoidance showing signs of fear. The loud noise was made with a hammer and a steel bar. Two months after pretesting Albert with the rat, Watson and Rosalie showed the rat, small animals, and object. Albert showed fear to them. Then they moved Albert to a different room for testing, he had a reaction to the rat, rabbit, and dog. While they tested him in this room they were still making noise while presenting the animal. For example when the dog was shown it would bark in the middle of the session, and when the rat was shown the loud band was still made. According to Ronna f. Dillon, “Albert was said to show fear when touching a mask, a sealskin coat, the rat, a dog, and a rabbit” (2). Watson proved that classical conditioning works on humans with the little Albert …show more content…

He developed an experiment were he could measure the amount of saliva the dog had when he was presented food. He realized that these dogs would salivate before the food was given to them. The new stimuli would elite the response the dogs had. In his experiment he started ringing a bell before the food was given to dogs. Since dogs don’t salivate over a bell ringing there was nothing special about this. There was a relationship between the food and the bell ring. As time passed the dogs began to salivate once they heard the bell ring even though the food was not given to them yet. This was a response that the dogs had created to ringing bell.
Classical conditioning lead Watson to the discovery of behaviorism. Ivan Pavlov discovered classical condition meaning that control of a stimulus-response reflexive relationship. “Watson assumed that human behavior and the behavior of animals were both governed by the same law of nature” (Jensen, 1). He demonstrated on his experiment with Albert that human emotional response could be

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