The Importance Of Job Dissatisfaction

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Attitudes, values, and dissatisfaction relate. Job dissatisfaction is an interest to companies to provide a welcoming environment. Research discovered observable behaviors that reflect job dissatisfaction. Information obtained comes from the following sources: Performance, productivity and motivation article; Presentation; Robbins & Judge; and KJV Bible. Keywords: job dissatisfaction, attitudes, values ORIGINAL POST 3. Original Post Job Dissatisfaction Although over the last thirty years’ independent studies in America reported that job satisfaction is elevated over job dissatisfaction; the study of job dissatisfaction seems to be on the rise (Robbins & Judge, 2009, p. 84). Organizations want their …show more content…

Attitudes are broken down into “three components: cognitive, affect, and behavior” (Robbins & Judge, 2009, p. 75). I started a job full of optimism. Every day I arrived early, and I sought to perform well. With time the boss gave me the silent treatment. I became weary. My state of mind changed to negativity, and I became bitter feeling I was underpaid. I stopped arriving early. My enthusiasm depleted. “Truth influences emotions which influences perceptions which influences perception particularly job satisfaction” (Fisher). My desire became a process to just get paid until I found a new job. The realization of low pay is the cognitive component, that then turns to anger of the affective component, and then the attitude to seek different work is the behavioral component (Robbins & Judge, 2009, p. 75). My job attitudes plummeted when I became dissatisfied. Neck & Milliman “consider ways in

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