Jewish Background Q&A

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3a. Describe the basic attitudes of first century Jews towards Gentiles.

Attitudes of first century Jews towards Gentiles are viewed as being complex. Gentiles can be defined in many ways some of which could mean foreigner or heathen. Jews viewed nations of the world as evil and therefore were adversary of God. Gentiles no doubt fell into this category. Some of these feelings derived from the oppression during the Intertestamental period and various anti-Semitic measures taken against them. In addition these feeling perpetuated through a long history of their zeal to protect particularistic and elitist privilege. This mind-set stemmed out of the covenant election of Israel. There was no particular attitude towards the Gentiles because acceptance varied. However respect and honor were given to those that were in authority. However feelings of hostility and retribution were evident especially against those rulers that persecuted or caused hardship for the Jews. Likewise if a Gentile exhibited sympathetic behavior and desist from hostility against Jews and Judaism he/she was likely t...

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