Summary Of David M. Potter's The Impending Crisis

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David M. Potter’s, “Fire-Eaters, Fugitives and Finality” in The Impending Crisis is a secondary source describing the events that followed up to the civil war and the impact the South and North both had on the issue of slavery. Potter who was born in Georgia in 1910 studied for most of his life Southern culture and ideology especially during the Civil War era. He argues that it was institutionalized cultural differences that prevented the South and North from agreeing to settle the tension with slavery as a whole country. He proposes that the significance of the slavery in the culture and society in the South was so critical that effort to preserve that way of living, the South would have no other choice but to separate from the North. Potter utilizes political ideology to articulate that it was due to significant decisions by congress that fueled violence and increasing tension for both halves of the United States. David M. Potter also engages in referencing personal liberty laws and arguing how if it wasn’t for Prigg vs Pennsylvania there would be more strict slavery enforcement in the North. Additionally, as a result of migrating slaves, the changes in Southern society started to intensify to the point where it was a necessity for new laws to be passed. Potter highlights this inevitable issue of development, saying, “These laws had been of …show more content…

Potter also criticizes how the novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe served as propaganda in the Northern states for ending slavery. Southerners used counteractive measurement and probably saw the novel by Stowe as conflicting to their intentions. Cultural incentives such as this one placed a deep impact on the lives of people defending slavery, and used violence and direct approach to implement their ideas out into society. Fire-Eaters were also useful because just like removing Stowe’s literature from the public eye, the opinion of the Southern population starts to strongly favor pro-slavery

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