Never Again - Original Writing

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Never Again - Original Writing

Being a loner is not easy. But it's what my work requires. I worked

for MOSSAD - yes the MOSSAD. As a contract killer. I never wanted to

be one. I know it is morally wrong but I have to do it. More than I

want to, I need to do it for money. It is my livelihood. Don't get me

wrong on this. You have your duty, your work, your life, and likewise

I have mine. You might ask me how do I have the heart to kill another

human but think rationally, don't we all have to die someday? Like an

old Chinese proverb says, "Never put off until tomorrow, what you can

do today." Is dying any different?

Dying before your mother's very eyes could be different but now I am

in a hospital. Don't ask me which one. I don't even know how I am here

in the first place, but I have a throbbing headache. I know I've got

very little time now, because I know they will come - that's the way

it works when you mess up a contract. I got my first 'contract' when I

was an orphaned, meek, teenager roaming in the streets. A man in a

black overcoat gripped my rough hands and dragged me into an alley

then placed a pistol in my right hand and a bundle of 100 dollar notes

in the other and gave me instructions to kill someone. I was

completely horrified. When I first resisted, the gun from my trembling

hands moved up to my sweaty forehead. I could almost feel the bullet

penetrating inside my head. I was compelled to do it. And since then,

my destiny was set.

The man didn't lose touch with me. I was blackmailed into killing a

series of others. I didn't know it then but slowly, I was getting

involved in the dreaded underworld, getting forcefully, yet

unknowingly dragged into all this until I couldn't extricate myself. I

wanted to live. But having left with no choice or options on my hand,

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