Pros And Cons Of Texting

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As much it drives me insane that no one has an ACTUAL face to face (or even over the phone) conversation any more or that fact that no one seems to be able to sit down around the dinner table and have the "So how was your day?" conversation without some form technology being involved (or banned/thrown out from the table), I guess the overwhelming theme is "it 's the day and age in which we live." Don 't get me wrong, I consider myself fairly technology sound and up on the latest and greatest, I guess I am simply old school that certain things should never change. I want, if not for a brief moment, to have electronics silenced and to unplug from this plugged in world and to sit with my loved ones and have their undivided attention while having mine and hear and see what is going on in their …show more content…

Emailing: One must scroll to bottom of the page to find the phone number. If it 's a chain of emails, it can make it difficult to find phone number. There are many other pros/cons to each of these method of contacts. I simply wanted to point out a few. To take these reasoning one step further, it is time to look into those numbers on why texting is so prolific. Texting is the most widely used and frequently used app on a smart phone. Not only that, 97% of Americans are using it AT LEAST ONCE A DAY! (Pew Study) 64% of American Adults have a Smart Phone. This means the rest of populations do not. You have to be able to communicate with them. (Pew Study) According to DuoCall Communications, 75% of phones or 4.5 billions are text-enabled. 96% of Smart Phone users text. (DuoCall Communications) Worldwide we will send 8.3 TRILLION texts in this year alone! In case you are wondering, that is 23 BILLION/DAY or 16 MILLION/MINUTE. ( Yeah I would say we are little dependent on our phones. (Portio Research) In 2012, Forrester stated that over 6 billion texts were sent in the US

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