Issues of Human Rights in South Africa Today

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Topic: Issues of human rights in South Africa today (as seen from an adolescent’s perspective) South Africa is a beautiful country, a rainbow nation where the spirit of Ubuntu is among us all. Sadly, our country is not a Utopia. Nelson Mandela once said “To deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity.” Human rights are rights given to all human beings. They are universally accepted and are protected in a country’s constitution by the Bill of Rights1. There are many human rights in South Africa which are violated, daily. “Everyone has the right to life” and “Everybody has the right to be free from all forms of violence”. These two human rights are extremely important and yet they are not being upheld. One only has to look at the Marikana Massacre. In August 2012, the South African Police Service started firing at a crowd of striking mineworkers at Marikana. The momentous event left 34 mineworkers dead and 78 wounded. The protesting mineworkers were only protesting for a wage increase. 2. The police in our country need to be protecting and upholding human ...

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