Analysis Of Discrimination In The Maquiladoras

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There are protests being conducted daily in the United States by people who desire an increase in minimum wage, but what about those from third world countries who receive less than a dollar an hour, this essay will discuss third world feminism and maquiladoras, whom manufacture a majority of our clothing in extremely cruel conditions that are unsuitable for any human being. Not to mention, the environment in which these people perform in is so atrocious that a pregnancy test is a prerequisite for women before being employed due to the elevated risk of a miscarriage. In the article Discrimination in the Maquiladoras, the woman converges about administering the pregnancy test and how appalled she was by the concept, the risk that women were …show more content…

These women are feminists because they are fighting for equality, mainly for women in the workforce who are perceived as being treated unfairly by their employers in a capitalist franchise where one possess all of the power. Through the use of free speech they converse between each other, spreading the truth about maquiladoras and the conditions in which they work in. When Duran first heard about the demand for immigrant workers, particularly women she became overjoyed since she was a single mother attempting to raise three children. As a maquiladora she was promised better wages than the rest of Mexico, ill-informed of the harm her body would inevitably undergo. Duran obtained her first job at Sanyo, which was relatively close to her home, she stated that though the environment was magnificent, the way in which she was treated was not so delightful, enduring daily harassment from her employer along with being exposed to dangerous chemicals, she began to suffer from nose bleeds as well as developed kidney problems since she was restricted from using the restroom and denied water. Nearly 6.5 years later, Sanyo announced its relocation to Indonesia since the fly back (T.V. component) where it could be fabricated for …show more content…

As she tours her hometown, one can see the horrendous circumstances in which her community thrives in, for example, to get from one side to the other they must cross a makeshift bridge where the water has begun to change color such as black, green, even beginning to foam. Numerous health problems have arisen due to the toxic waste that is being dumped into the streams that therefore leading to runoff when it rains such as sores developing on feet and legs, weakened immune system, spots that appear on the limbs, etc. Lujan, a third world feminist (could also be known as an environmental feminist as well) exposes the unsanitary environment in which she lives in, desiring a greater community where her children can live in without the worry of diseases or the contamination of their water sources. Though she was not always a promotora/advocator it was not until Lujan came face to face with a sign inviting women to participate in a health survey furthermore learning about the health risks that she made the decision to be outspoken about the cause. She took workshops to help her better apprehend labor and women’s rights in order to promote laws and speak out against illegal acts conducted by businesses. Therefore, it only makes sense that women would be the most outspoken group of the maquiladoras since they make up eighty percent of the

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