Public Breastfeeding In Public

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Breastfeeding is a wonderful gift that has been given to women. It allows mothers to feed their babies whenever they need to be fed and is very beneficial for both mother and child. So why are many people opposed to mothers nursing in public? Many people argue that breastfeeding is indecent and inappropriate in public places, even if the mother covers herself. Others will claim that it makes them uncomfortable and creates awkward social interactions. However, breastfeeding is perfectly natural. A woman should be able to nurse her child whenever she pleases and not feel ashamed for it.
Breastfeeding has numerous benefits for a baby. An infant’s immune system is boosted when he or she drinks breastmilk because it is full of antibodies. Therefore, …show more content…

It is often at an inconvenient time when a woman needs to breastfeed. If she does not nurse or at least pump, milk can leak from her breasts and create messy and embarrassing marks on her shirt. She cannot prevent this from occurring without receiving some sort of relief. If she waits to nurse her baby until she gets to a private area, she must deal with a fussy child and the attention that comes with it. A child having a tantrum typically causes more of a scene than a woman breastfeeding. Females have to make a decision to either deal with the judgment that comes with public breastfeeding or wait until they can find a bathroom or private place to pump or …show more content…

Women who are not afraid to do what their body is naturally meant to do and do not care what other people think are very admirable. Breastfeeding is beautiful and normal, and women should not be criticized when they need to do it. Although it may make one uncomfortable at times, breastfeeding in public causes no harm. Society should begin to accept public breastfeeding and see it as it is; completely harmless. Next time you see a mother nursing her baby, do not judge her. Instead, think of how healthy and strong that baby is going to be and what a beautiful bond they are

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