The Importance Of Overcrowding Issues In Prisons

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There is a problem our society deals with every single day, yet we as a society only think about it or deal with it when elections are about to happen or there is an outbreak that makes the news. This problem is difficult for us to solve because of the very nature of the problem because in order to solve the problem we must examine our priorities and our values. The majority of citizens have no direct connection to the problem, yet we all have indirect associations and consequences that affect us. The issue at hand is the fact that we as a society need to solve the overcrowding issues in our prisons. The system we have in place currently will indeed continue to build until it reaches its breaking.
Our society works and functions because people live together in an area based on common agreements and expectations in order for everyone to be safe. We establish laws for everyone’s safety and prosperity and it is known that these laws must be followed. When someone decides to break the law we remove the person from society by imprison them. During this period we limit their freedoms and rights. The entire prison system is designed to rehabilitate and help the offender so they can return to society and be a member to society.
In America our system has been on the decline. Our prisons can’t handle the amount of prisoners that we have put into them. One example of this is a prison in Chino, California that was built to hold 2,976 prisoners. That prison currently has 5,877 prisoners in it. (Stateman, 2009) The issue is not isolated at this one prison or state but California indeed has the worst problem. The state has 33 state prisons holding 154,649 prisoners that were designed to hold 84,271. (Krisberg, 2010) It is so bad that...

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...ney into to police forces around CA or for those that do commit a crime we make sure we have the support system in place to give them counseling and training not just jail time. A key step is to eliminate people from getting incarcerated in the first place. We can do this through an educational system if we keep kids in school and keep them on track for graduation we will help them have more options in life instead of turning to a life of crime. If CA can then reduce the time on probation the money saved could go into more counselors and vocational job training while they are in prison so when they get out they are more prepared to rejoin social life. Releasing hardened criminals back into society is a hazard to us and the criminals will just go back to prison. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results-Albert Einstein.

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