Gun Control and Regulation

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Gun Control and Regulation

The idea of gun control and regulation is becoming more and more popular throughout the U.S., although it may still bring up resistance among some people. Guns are sort of a foundation of American culture. This country's freedom was won over bloody and "heroic" wars with guns. Guns are portrayed throughout television, movies, and video games. Guns are a popular symbol of power, control, authority, dominance, and can be associated with security and defense. The role guns play in our society is a highly controversial debate. I will support the gun control and regulatory side of this topic as a short-term realistic goal. There are both avid supporters of the 2nd amendment guaranteeing American citizens the right to bear arms, and there are people who strongly disagree with the widespread use and availability of guns to youth and criminals. Those in favor of open gun use are often motivated by the 2nd Amendment, and the right many claim to hunt, protect the home, or for defense against potential militias or government overthrow. The motive behind proponents of gun control on the other hand, is to restrict accessibility to guns to prevent violence and death in our society. My position ultimately, with relevance to our presentations in class, is neither an attempt to persuade or convince anyone to use guns nor to control and restrict them. From here however, let me tell you that guns play a role of non-importance in my life, and therefore I have sought out a reasoning that has led me to favor a world with no guns altogether. This may sound rather idealistic or radical, but it is necessary. Our world is in need of a profound, collective reformation where violence and guns are concerned -- partic...

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...disciplinary regime in both school and work throughout all ages of life. They even have a much higher population density per square mile than the U.S. does. There's my two cents for support of a short-term goal of gun control and regulation, and a long-term goal of firearm elimination. Firearms are not our answer.



"New Gun Control Initiatives". America. Editorial: 2/20/99, Vol. 180 Issue 5, p3. Rosen, Ruth. "Domestic Disarmament: A Women's Issue?". The Informed Argument. Ed. Robert Miller. New York: Hartcourt Brace, 1998. 178-181. Sugurmann, Josh. "The NRA Is Right". The Informed Argument. Ed. Robert Miller. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1998. 185-190 Tampa Bay Business Journal. "Crack Down On Guns". Tampa Bay Business Journal. Editorial: 11/6/98, Vol.18 Issue 45, p62. (within gun facts in csgv index)

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