Debunking the Myth of Effective Gun Control

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Gun control is a sensitive issue in the United States in this day and age because of the recent media attention that public shootings have been receiving, and there are many different ideas on how or if the government should control guns. However, gun control is completely unnecessary for four reasons. For example, the Second Amendment provides American citizens with the right to own and operate all kinds of guns, and that eliminating firearms would not make the amount of gun-deaths decrease because gun control laws would only affect law-abiding citizens, not criminals. Another example would be the use of high capacity magazines. If the government were to ban large magazines, it would again not take them out of the hands of criminals, only Advocates of gun control would argue that the Second Amendment only grants the right to bear arms to national defense organizations in our country, such as the Army or Marines, and that guns should not be able to be privately owned. An example of this opinion is the organization called Handgun Control (HCl), which stated, “HCI concludes that individuals do not have the right to keep and bear arms for personal uses under the Second Amendment since the Second Amendment 's purpose is solely for national Over fifty percent of homicides in the United States were caused by firearms. Regarding this statistic, gun control activists will say that if guns were to be eliminated by law, the amount of murders would go down drastically because there would be less guns and thus less murders. However, though this sounds good in theory, this is not the case because by requiring by law to take away firearms, the government is only seizing guns from the law abiding citizens who would not use their guns for murderous reasons anyways. The criminals would still hold on to their guns because they are criminals and do not follow laws. For example, 512,000 people in the United States reported using methamphetamine, an illegal drug, in the last 30 days. So, by following this logic, it is safe to assume that even if guns were made illegal there would still be guns in the hands of criminals and the gun death rate would not go down, but go up because the criminals would have guns with which to kill, while law-abiding citizens would not have guns with which to defend

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