The Issues of Abortion

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The Issues of Abortion

Let me take you to a typical hospital in Britain and we can look

around. Here's a room. Can't you just sense the happiness as you

approach? If you glance through the doorway and look to your right

you'll see the Gibson family. Look, there's Lucy running around and

dancing ecstatically, but can you blame her? She's just become a big

sister! And look at Rachel to your left, yawning as her mother strokes

her grandsons' little fingers. It's no wonder she's exhausted after

nursing her new twins all night! Down the stairs and into the next

room where a couple holding hands, gaze tearfully, in a dream-like

state, at the monitor where an ultra-sound image of their baby is

displayed. It is true that the miracle of life does make you quite

tearful at times.

Yet there's a different room nearby, at the end of the hall. It's

funny as you walk down this corridor, the hustle and bustle suddenly

desists, and there are no doctors or nurses walking around. It's as if

this area is somehow disconnected from the joy and delight radiating

from the maternity wards. You'd be forgiven if you mistook this room

as a morgue, but a morgue it is not. I can hear something, a muffled

noise and a doctor's calming reassurance. Why is there sobbing? These

tears are definitely not tears of joy. Here comes someone now, I

recognise her but from where? I remember; she was the woman from the

chemist, the one in the queue just in front of me, who bought the

pregnancy test. She's in such a hurry to get out. I wonder what she's

so uncomfortable about. What's this? Ah, here's a sign on the door.

'Termination Room 2A'.

Abortion, or the terminat...

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...ut grotesque doesn't seem to be a strong enough word to

describe this repulsive act. Abortion, termination, or whatever title

you prefer to give it, will always end up in the loss of at least one

life, possibly two. I, like so many others believe that we should put

a stop to this vicious act of barbarity. We can't play the role of God

and we can't let this insane destruction, of what may well be the most

innocent and defenceless form of human life there is, continue. If

abortion is acceptable today, then what will we embrace tomorrow?

Cloning humans? Designer babies? God gives us tiny miracles in the

form of children and we take their lives away unjustifiably. However,

until the pro-choice campaigners realise that, we shall have to live

in an uncivilised world where respect for human life is on the brink

of extinction.

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