Importance Of The Quran And The Islamic State

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The Quran and the Islamic State
The concept of Islamic state has received increasing attention among Muslim societies in the last century. It has been also articulated and promoted by famous ideologues such as Sayyid Outb, Abul A 'la Maududi and Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini in the last decades. Thus, many Islamist movements and some radical groups have struggled to establish an Islamic state based on the teachings of the Quran. However, does the Quran really command Muslims to establish a state or any specific political order?
Many contemporary and former Islamic parties, religious movements, and radical groups across the world assume that the Quran requires establishing an Islamic state based on the instructions of the Quran and the hadiths. Therefore, they are so active and vibrant in the political sphere to realize this idea. They also commonly consider Islam as an unchangeable and essentialist political framework to carry out this command. Hence, many Islamic movements by and large have emerged through the …show more content…

The Quran also emphasizes the community of believers rather than being a distinct political community or organization. In this regard, the Quran never says that Muslims should establish an Islamic state per se as a true and authentic political system and authority for Muslims to implement the teachings of Islam. But, the Quran wants from Muslims to follow the fundamental principles provide good governance at any level and form. For example, rules of law (Shura), accountability, transparency, justice, equity, religious freedom, emr bil maruf wa nahi an al-munkar, ihsan, and others. Unfortunately, the majority of contemporary Muslims have given more attention on political power and structures rather than the moral values and spiritual meaning of the

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