Comparing Islam And Islam's Views Of Christianity And Christianity

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The two largest religions in the world are Islam and Christianity and they have several facts of contact. Both inbred from Judaism an acceptance of one God, the creator of the world and cares about the beliefs and behavior of human beings. In spite of having some points of principle in common, Christianity and Islam have enormous differences, not merely in beliefs regarding salvation, Christ and forgiveness but in several other fields affecting human attitudes, behavior and daily life. Christians in his time were known by Prophet Mohammad and along with Jews he respected them as “People of the Book”. Due to their monotheism and origins in the revealed Jewish Bible, conquered Christians were extended more freedoms Christians than conquered …show more content…

It is the belief of some that the divergent cultural worldviews and political tensions have more to do with the conflict than with religion, and attempts were made by Muslims as well as Christians to seek a common ground and involve in respectful dialogue. Islam and Christianity have different scriptures, with Christianity using Bible and Islam the Quran. An account of works and life of Jesus are offered by both texts. Islamic theology’s important part is belief in Jesus, and Muslims consider the Christian Gospels as changed, while Christians view Gospels to be commanding and the Quran to be a late, apocryphal or fabricated work. Though the two religions believe in Jesus’s virgin birth, the Quaranic and Biblical accounts differ. A missionary character and mandate birthed Islam. From Mecca to Indonesia and in between all over in previous 1400 years, it has spread its cultural values, beliefs, material wealth, worldview, spiritual aspirations and practices. Jihad, its “sixth pillar” of faith has constantly been a tool of religious struggles, violent wars and struggles on Allah and His prophet’s behalf …show more content…

But irrespective of the different manifestations and different practices, finally all streams of Islam find their mission and identity in their beloved prophet, religious history and sacred texts As it is such sources that will finally define and guide Islam of the future as it goes on spreading around the world, we must consider them as seriously as a serious Muslim does (Wilson). We should understand what is there in Islamic texts and instances and life of their prophet for understanding the growth and nature of Islam. On such historical-theological foundation, then we can best understand and contrast the objectives and state of Islam in today’s world for its true mandates and motivations. Nowadays, majority of Christians believe in Trinity, (God’s three forms of Father, Son, Holy Ghost). Christianity adopted the idea of Trinity until the Council of Nicea in 325 AD. Even now Christian Unitarian churches are there who do not admit Trinity. Distinguished Rationalist Unitarians entail thinkers like Ralph Waldo Emerson, Charles Dickens in literature, scientists like Isaac Newton, Frank Lloyd Wright in architecture and famous figures like Florence Nightingale in humanitarianism and

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