Islam: Acceptance, Surrender, Submission, and Commitment

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Islam is a monotheistic religion that originated in 622 CE, in the Arabian peninsula. This religion puts a lot of emphasis on submission and full commitment to God, who they have named Allah. They express this commitment through their frequent rituals.
Muslims have five pillars of practice and must apply their best effort towards these in order to be considered a true Muslim. First, is Shahadah, the declaration that they believe God is one and that Muhammad is the last prophet of God. Secondly, they have their formal prayer five times a day. Thirdly, Muslims practice fasting during the daylight hours in the month of Ramadan. Fourthly, They must give 2.5% of their savings to the needy at the end of each year. Fifthly, they must pilgrim to Mecca at least once in their lifetime, assuming they are both physically and financially able. The Islam religion governs all areas of life, including moral, spiritual, social, political, economical, intellectual, etcetera (30 Facts).
The founder of the Islamic religion was Muhammad, the final messenger sent by God who received the revelations this religion was based on. The first significant event was called the Night of Power, when Muhammad received the call to be God’s messenger. When Muhammad was 40 years old, he had his first revelation, and they continued until his death in 632. He claimed his visions were from God sent through the angel Gabriel. Muhammad then recited messages in the name of God. These were recorded to make up the main source of sacred text for the Muslims, called the Qur’an (Islam Origins). Muhammad’s main revelations were that: “God is one, He is good and all powerful; All men and women will be judged by Allah on the Last Day; We must all respond to the world with g...

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