Monotheistic Religions

524 Words2 Pages

There are many religious beliefs and religions in the world, but the three that we will be looking at today are Islam, Judaism and Christianity. Theses three religions are the most common religions around the world and all have their own beliefs and Gods, there are over 3279500000 followers around the world between all three religions. The following areas will be explored why Christianity, Judaism, and Islam can be defined as monotheistic religions? What do the scriptures say for Islam, Judaism and Christianity? What are two symbols/images from the scared space of Christianity, Islam and Judaism? And lastly how are Catholic beliefs about God expressed in the creed differently to other religions.

Christianity, Islam and Judaism are all monotheistic religions; monotheistic religions are religions that only worship one God.

Christians believe that there is only one God, who they call father. Christians believe Jesus is the Son of God, and was sent to save mankind from sin and death. Jesus teachings can be summarized briefly as the love of God and love of one's neighbour. Christians ...

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