Thin Line: Unveiling Corruption in Job Practices

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Is there a thin line for corruption in the job? One may not think that it is because may not violate the law in some way and see that it may be for a good cause. I am going to ask you to look at this story and see if the officer across the line. This story just happen recently in Philadelphia and it display a situation with a police officer and citizen with a favor for a favor. A veteran police pulled over to men in the car and told them to buy two tickets for a police fundraiser that they were having. Then the officer stated to the men in the car “Either you buy these, or I take your car because it 's unregistered” (Henry, 2015). Then because the driver does not won’t his car taken and knew that he could take it, he gives the police officer …show more content…

In a 1994 report it stated that about 100 Miami officer out of 1,046 officers where either being investigated for corrupt actions or have been before, but it stated to be more than 100 almost 200 (McCafferty & McCafferty, 1998). In New Orleans, the U.S district attorney stated that there were about ten to fifteen percent of officers in the department that corrupted in 1995. It is hard to get statistics for corruption in police administration because of the effort to try to not reveal serious corruption in law enforcement. Like departments may try to avoid the news, so these stories won’t be headlining (McCafferty & McCafferty, 1998). By this happening it can send a message out that police corruption will be tolerated in our society and that is not so. There are many reason for this because the administration do not won’t to lose trust with the public. The public and police relationship is key to police work and is very helpful. Polls was taken in 2011 that resulted in that 56% of the population say that the police have a high or very high ethical standards (Martin, 2011). Where nurses has 84% in compared to that of the police. Corruption is everywhere and not only inside the police there are other professions that corruption as well, but when people usually about an organization or someone corrupt the police pops up. Police misconduct has left a price ticket such as in Philadelphia it costed then $20 million dollars …show more content…

One of the ways is try to monitor police behavior, if a situation occur where there is misconduct keep a watch on their behavior. We are held responsible for our subordinate, so we have to check on their integrity and ethics. What first need to be discuss is the ethics and code that every police administration must up hold. Integrity is to be honest and show good morals that helpful in goals of protections and service (Martin, 2011). Martin (2011) gave a list of characteristics that an officer must display to have integrity. One if the characteristics is prudence which means having the ability to make hard decisions in conflict situations and pick the best action that is need for the situation. The next one that I consider to be a big factor in preventing/ stopping corruption is trust. Having trust among officers and the public, other officers, and the supervisors is very important (Martin, 2011). Then he mention effacement of self-interest that is a characteristics that is needed with the helping of corruption. Also there is courage and honesty to know whats right and wrong and to admit it. Justice is another one that is owed to the public and community (Martin, 2011). Last is responsibility in which one takes ownership in what they did

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