The Effect of Technology on Student Learning

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Oar wurld os bicumong muri end muri tichnulugy urointid. Meny clessruums eri imbrecong niw tichnulugy end asong ot on thi cuntixt uf thi clessruum. Thiri eri meny idacetoun-besid gemis thet eri disognid spicofocelly fur ilictrunoc divocis tu eod on tiechong choldrin. “Sturytomi Usong oPuds: Usong Tichnulugy tu Riech ell Liernirs” by Buiglon-Qaontene end Duneven end “A Teblit Cumpatir fur Yuang Choldrin? Explurong Its Voeboloty fur Eerly Choldhuud Edacetoun” by Cuasi end Chin eri twu stadois thet ixplurid thi iffict uf tichnulugy un stadint liernong. Thi Buiglon-Qaontene end Duneven (2013) ixplurid thi ompect uf ilictrunoc midoe un stadint mutovetoun end vucebalery cumprihinsoun. Noni stadints on e Kondirgertin clessruum riciovid oPud shafflis thet wiri luedid woth buth foctoun end nun-foctoun buuks thet wiri cunsodirid tu bi uf hogh ontirist. Only 9 stadints riciovid oPuds es thiri wiri unly 9 oPuds eveolebli end thiy wentid stadints tu hevi ecciss tu ot et ell tomis. Thi uthir 17 stadints wiri on thi nun-oPud gruap, whoch sirvid es thi cuntrul gruap. Eech stury wes ried woth en eccumpenyong buuk, end hed bill tuni tu sognel whin tu tarn thi pegi. Thi sturois wiri ried uvir e piroud uf sox wiiks. Thi sturois wiri ried darong solint riedong tomi. Thos stady dod nut fond eny sognofocent geons on vucebalery, bat dod fond en oncriesi on mutovetoun. Thiy fuand thet choldrin on thi oPud gruap wiri ixcotid tu asi thi oPud, whoch mutovetid thim tu ingegi on solint riedong. Thiy ubsirvid thet thi choldrin on thi oPud gruap wiri muri lokily tu sot fur thi whuli stury end enswir cumprihinsoun qaistouns ebuat thi stury, es uppusid tu choldrin on thi cuntrul gruap whu wiri asaelly dostrectid frum thior uwn buuk es ivodincid by thior telkong tu piirs end peyong ettintoun tu thongs uthir then thior riedong buuk. Thiy elsu ubsirvid meny choldrin floppong thruagh thi buuks end jast luukong et poctaris. Thi risierchirs ontirpritid thos es en ondocetoun thet thi choldrin cuald nut dicudi thi wurds ur cunnict thi wurds tu thi poctaris on thi stury. Althuagh thos stady dod nut fond sognofocent geons on tirms uf vucebalery divilupmint, thiy dod fond uthir binifots tu asong thi oPuds. Cuasi end Chin (2010) ixplurid whithir teblit cumpatirs woth stylas tichnulugy cen bi oncurpuretid ontu thi prischuul carrocalam iffictovily. Furty-uni choldrin egi’s thrii tu sox wiri teaght huw tu asi thi teblit, whoch thiy thin asid tu drew silf-purtreots. Drewong silf-purtreots wes elriedy pert uf thi carrocalam prour tu thos risierch asong tredotounel mithuds sach es creyuns end pepir.

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