The Videogames Phenomenon

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The video games phenomenon is somewhat new in this present society. Even though they frequently tend to be amusing and entertaining, the contents have come to be extra pugnacious and violent as computing knowledge has come to be extra advanced. To these dates, the popularity of the time spent on video games has provoked a rise in controversy about if they have any advantages. Users, or gamers, are transported into virtual realities that are frequently extra thrilling and involving than real-life pastimes. From an educational outlook, these games enthuse imagination and creativity, as well as concentration, logical thinking and setback resolving, all of that are functional skills beyond the gaming context. Furthermore, it has been shown that computer simulation games can enhance users’ motor skills and aid to design them for real-world tasks, such as driving through the highway or hovering a plane. On the other hand the addiction caused by these games make people change two hours of sleep time for two more hours of gaming even sacrificing important things like physical activity or even eating. But if a bit of moderation to videogames is applied the benefits outweigh the drawbacks. It is a fact that videogames can improve your IQ significantly and even some people that suffer from a disease can improve with a videogame treatment. Videogames can teach us many things and some of those are school topics like History, Mathematics and Physics. Even if you find this unbelievable there are many games that focus on such complicated topics which are not appealing to kids to be played millions of hours online. Let’s use as an example one of my personal favorites: Minecraft. Minecraft is nearly flawlessly shaped videogame world made to perm... ... middle of paper ... Should they risk a way in the 1930’s against the USA by supporting Franco’s Spain? Will the British Empire collapse as its colonies claim independence? Should the USSR completely dissolve and lose its economic power? This kind of teaching methods are something we might not notice at first glance but playing a simple can increase your knowledge up to double of an average person. Works Cited Making History II Features. Computer software. - Making History II Features. Vers. 2.0. Mizzy Lane Software, n.d. Web. 19 Nov. 2013. . Thompson, Carls. "Why a Famous Counterfactual Historian Loves Making History with Games." Why a Famous Counterfactual Historian Loves Making History with Games. Mizzy Lane Software, 21 May 2007. Web. 19 Nov. 2013. .

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