Negative Effect Of Helicopter Parents

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College is a time for kids to really learn things about themselves, like how much beer they can drink and still get up in the morning for class( only kidding...not really). When a kid goes off to college they are really gaining independence from their parents, they no longer have to ask someone what to do next. However, college professors are finding it very common that this generation of parents are involving themselves with their child’s college life way too often. These parents are finding it hard to let their child figure things out for themselves, which has a very negative effect on students as they never experience failure. These types of people are known as “Helicopter Parents”, always waiting for something to go wrong so they can save A psychologist at Indiana University, Chris Meno counsels over-parented college kids and often tells them that before calling home, be sure to think about the ways you can solve your problems on your own. Helicopter parents can be identified by hovering over their child and ready to save them when something goes wrong. It is not uncommon for helicopter parents to call in about their child’s college assignments that they did not perform well on. It is also not uncommon for these kids to be calling their parents 3 or maybe even 4 times a day. Although, it is good that these kids have a good relationship with their parents, the kids are unable to develop self confidence on their own. The kids with helicopter parents are not able to problem solve on their own, causing anxiety and often depression. If a child is not able to be independent during college, they are going to have an even harder time after college finding a job because they still cannot figure things out for themselves. Chris Meno “Helicopter When I log onto Facebook, I see parents writing paragraphs upon paragraphs about their children’s accomplishments looking for appraisal, and for what reason? I believe some parents use social media just to compete with other parents to see who raised their kids the best. Facebook and other social media outlets are just showcases to make people’s lives seem perfect, when in reality everybody has problems they face everyday. Now for some parents whose kids are probably doing okay, but maybe not to others’ standards they see these posts and feel bad that they maybe not gave their child the opportunities they need to

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