Is Animal Testing Necessary?

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Throughout the years animal rights groups and organizations have frowned upon animal experiments. Animal testing has been thought to be inhumane and cold-hearted to animals. Because of these accusations medical researchers have to suffer threats from individuals and the media. If animal testing weren’t allowed would that be a drawback in advancement in medical research? Animal testing is beneficial to people because these trails lead to improvements in medical research. Animal experiments have led to finding new cures and vaccines to fatal illnesses. Because animal experiments are helpful in making vaccines to prevent these sicknesses, these trails are the reason so many lives are saved. Animal testing is very necessary and useful to people, but animal rights groups believe that these trails doesn’t benefit humanity. According to Ellen Paul, “Breakthroughs in treating injuries, like practically all medical advances, depend upon experimentation on animals.” Animal experiments have given way to many new instruments to fight against diseases like cancer (Paul). For example, mice and other rodents contributed to scientists developing new tools for fighting different forms of cancers (Paul). Animal testing has helped science in many ways, but animal organizations like People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) believe that these experiments are cruel to animals. Even though most animals endure some sort of pain during these experiments, the results are very beneficial to people.
For years animal testing has been a very controversial issue around the globe. Animal testing has been very beneficial to people, but has cause an up stir to animal rights activists and organizations like PETA. “The earliest references to animal ex...

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...ines to stop dangerous diseases (Paul). Animal research has played a vital role in medical science for the last century. Animal testing has been very essential to medical research and have led to discovering new tools to help individuals. Because of animal testing we have discovered new medicines and procedures to benefit people such as, antibiotics, blood transfusions, organ-transplantations, and vaccinations. Animal organizations and activist has little knowledge on medical research, so they don’t know how this research benefits us. Animal testing has proven to be a very important part in medical studies and it will continue to be for generations to generations. Animal testing will never end but evolve and lead us to further medical understanding. Without animal testing we would be expose to chemical, Air-Bourne, and contagious diseases this world will hand to us.

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