Is America Nosy or Needed?

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Is America Nosy or Needed?

“Human rights is the soul of our foreign policy, because human rights is the very soul of our sense of nationhood”-Jimmy Carter. United States foreign policy is felt throughout the world through our involvement in other nation’s affairs. Some say that our presence in the world causes more harm than good, while others feel like our protection is essential to their well being. We spend billions of dollars of our money on weapons, foreign aid, and maintaining standing armies throughout the world. I believe expanding our foreign policy in the world is beneficial. Although we pay billions of dollars that continue to cripple our economy through maintaining our foreign policy, our efforts in WW1, WW2, and the Persian Gulf War show that our involvement in foreign affairs is not only needed, but beneficial to the well being of the world.

The United States was needed in World War 1 because the weary British troops could no longer repel the German assault. Woodrow Wilson took full control of American foreign policy issues within the limits of the Constitution. He kept America neutral because he did not believe that any of America’s interests were threatened by a European war, as long as trade continued as it always had. America entered World War One on April 6th, 1917. Up to that date, America had d stayed out of World War One, though she had traded with other nations involved in the war. Urestricted submarine warfare, started by the Germans on January 9th, 1917, was the major issue that forced Woodrow Wilson to ask Congress to declare war on Germany on April 2nd . Despite the declaration of war, Wilson continued to fight for peace and started to develop his idea of a League of Nations that would be able to peace...

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