Is Abortion a Defendable Idea on Moral Ground?

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Is Abortion a Defendable idea on Moral Ground?
Is abortion a defendable idea on moral grounds? Of the many moral issues that exist, abortion seems to be the most controversial and has sparked numerous debates in almost every sector of society. This crucial yet sensitive issue continues to negatively affect the lives of humans. According to Tom Head (2003), abortion is destroying the physical and spiritual body. “It is the intentional termination of a pregnancy after conception. It allows women to put an end to their pregnancies, and involves killing the undeveloped embryo or fetus”. At the moment of conception, the embryo or fetus becomes alive. This new life now, imposes on us a moral obligation to preserve it. Let us also examine the term morality.
According to (” morality is the distinction between right and wrong. It further stipulates that which should be done and what should not be done. Biblically, morals are derived from God’s character and are revealed through the scriptures. Boss (2008) states that, many people look to religion for guidance. The concept of God in major religious world is intimately connected with that of moral goodness. God the giver of life made mankind in His own image. The Bible also declared that any man defiled the temple which is referring to one’s body, him shall God destroy. Killing humans are against many ethical and religious beliefs and abortion is tantamount to murder. On which aspect of morality then, can we truly say that abortion is really defendable on moral grounds?
In exodus 20:13 mankind was warned. “Thou shalt not kill.” It is morally wrong to abort a baby for personal or economic problems. Even if a woman is raped, two wrongs don’t make a right. Deny...

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...the definition of morality as was mentioned previously in this paper.

Boss, J. , (200). Analyzing Moral issues McGraw Hill N. Y.
Head, T. (2003) About. com. Guide, Retrieved April 18 ,2014 from http :// civil liberty.
Jeremiah Chapter one verse five. The Holy Bible.
The New King James
Lyston, S. (2013) Abortion creating a global vacuum. The Jamaica Daily Gleaner, Kingston
NRLC. (1998).Federal Legislative office“ Partial birth Veto”National Right to Life News.
Vol 25 No.10
Psalm (139 v 13-15) The Holy Bible. The New King James
What is Abortion? Retrieved April 18, 2014 from http:// (carm, org, dictionary)
Retrieved 2014.

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