The Importance Of White Privilege In The Movie Little White Lie

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The famous anti-racism activist Tim Wise once said “The irony of American history is the tendency of good white Americans to presume racial innocence. Ignorance of how we are shaped racially is the first sign of privilege. In other words. It is a privilege to ignore the consequences of race in America.” White Privilege is commonly defined as “a set of advantages and/or immunities that white people benefit from on a daily basis beyond those common to all others.” (What) As White americans living in the United States, you never really pay any attention to the fact that there is a racial “smog” (Marks) living among us in everyday life and you really never realize how it affects the people on the other end who don’t receive this ‘privilege’. White privilege shapes the world we live in by how we go about and interact …show more content…

But what if you are a White female in a family that is very much against interracial marriage and you are in love with a Black man, or vice versa, if you are a Black woman in love with a White man who’s family is very secluded to the fact that interracial couples are becoming accepted amongst the 21st century. This exact conflict is represented in the movie Little White Lie. In the movie, Lacey’s mom, Peggy, had an affair and got pregnant by a black man. Peggy states “The fact is if the man with whom I had the affair hadn 't been Black none of this would have come out.” Meaning in the days when the affair has happened, 1968, it was considered so wrong to be in an interracial relationship that the only reason it was a big deal for Peggy to be having an affair was not because of the affair itself but because the affair was with a Black man. Today this belief of segregation among marriage or White and Black still exists, it’s just is not as strong. Some families are realizing that love is love and skin color does not matter as long as the relationship is

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