Introducing Critical Theory in the High School Curriculum

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Higher education institutions, especially those dedicated to liberal arts, recently experienced a revolution in the way culture and societies are constructed and analyzed. The gradual introduction of critical theory provided a new framework for understanding cultural productions. In the specific context of literature, critical theory is a reader-response base analysis and criticism of written works. Critical theory is distinguished from other forms of theory in that it “seeks human emancipation.” (James). This theory led to the creation of a new form of education: Critical Pedagogy. This form of education “challenges teachers and students to empower themselves, to advance democracy and equality as they advance their literacy and knowledge.” (McLaren). Many of the works of famous critical theorists inspired social justice movements around the world. In a country where the younger generations become more and more a-political and apathetic about social issues (Giroux); it becomes important that educators find new ways to motivate students into re-engaging with the public and political spheres. Critical theory can inspire students today as it did in the past. Although this branch of academia is very popular among college educators and students, it remains omitted from the American high school’s English curriculum. Additionally the rising costs of higher education (Mead 511) makes it important that adolescents get the most beneficial form of education from the public system. Therefore the Texas Board of Education should require the implementation of a critical theory class, as part of their social sciences curriculum, for all high schools in the state.
Citizens who oppose the introduction of critical theory to high school students pr...

... middle of paper ... Ed. New Jersey: Pearson, 2012. 530-32. Print.
McLaren, Peter, and Peter Leonard. Paulo Freire: A Critical Encounter. London: Routledge, 1993. Print.
Morse, Robert. "How States Compare in the 2014 Best High Schools Rankings." US News. U.S.News & World Report, 21 Apr. 2014. Web. 25 Apr. 2014.
Risselada, David. "Progressives: Using Critical Theory to Dumb Us down." Save America Foundation. N.p., 24 Feb. 2014. Web. 28 Apr. 2014.
Schneider, Mark. "How Much Is That Bachelor's Degree Really Worth? The Million Dollar Misunderstanding." Writing Arguments: A Rhetoric With Readings. 9th ed. New Jersey: Pearson, 2012. 511-19. Print.
United States of America. Texas Education Agency. Department of Assessment and Accountability. Enrollment in Texas Public Schools, 2012-13. Austin: Texas Board of Education, 2014. Texas Education Agency. Texas Education Agency. Web. 24 Apr. 2014.

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