Attachment Theory: Qualotional And Interpersonal Relationships

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The most important social factor that people must have is the capacity to form and maintain relationships. These interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships are highly necessary for any of human to survive, learn, develop, grow, and love. These relationships take many forms, but the most critical relationship is formed at early developmental stage (mostly infant). This close interpersonal relationship that infants form with their primary caregiver, or parents, they learn most of social and emotional skills for later life. With some degree of differences, every individual has their own capacity to form and maintain relationships. Some people naturally form and maintain close and caring relationships, but unfortunately, some others are not. …show more content…

Attachment theory is a psychological model that describes the dynamics of interpersonal relationships. The most critical point of attachment theory is that a child needs at least one primary caregiver relationship for the child’s healthy social and emotional development. Understanding attachment theory is critical with this research because it guides how early experiences can impact on behavioural and emotional development in adolescence and adulthood. The way a child understands themselves, how they cope with stressful situation, developing intimate and romantic relationships, are all shaped by the attachment style that child developed with their very first …show more content…

Child caring and bonding healthy attachment is a sensitive topic which may arise uncomfortable feelings to mothers thinking they are might be judged or accountable. An Australia study discussed that despite of feminist act and development, relating to shared household tasks, mothers working in full-time, part-time, or not in work force, continue to be the key person responsible for child nurturing. The research was designed to identify attachment, relationship, and preferences of the mother and to understand attachment bonding in the context of healthy interpersonal relationship and future life of the child. It is designed and structured to explore the rationales underpin, specifically the childhood experience of the mothers who has been fostered at young

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