Internet Pornography

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Pornography is a large issue in the United States and is especially debated within the Constitutional right of freedom of speech. The current law on pornography in America is that anyone under the age of eighteen who accesses pornographic material is subject to persecution. There are many arguments on both sides of the debate, including: a modified age for legal pornography access. This argument emphasizes the fact that if we want to be a truly free country, there should be no limitations on what we watch. Some may argue that pornographic material can very negatively effect the mental development of a young child, but I argue that it should be up to the parents to monitor their children’s activities. People should be able express themselves the way that they see fit; however, it is important for parents to exercise caution in the material that they expose their children to. Children should be properly informed about sex from their parents who practices caution and care when regarding the material their children are exposed to. The reality of the matter is that children have been able to readily access pornography since the onset of the internet. Words and phrases that have little or no sexual connotation turn up uncensored pornographic materials on websites as public as Google and MSN.

As the highly recognized author, Salman Rushdie puts it, “A free and civilized society should be judged by its willingness to accept pornography.” Such a famously intelligent author’s words should not be ignored. This quotation is the way we should be viewing pornography in the United States. There should never have been any barriers on it in this “free and just” nation because it makes our politicians look hypocritical. Our very co...

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Baxter, Sarah, and Richard Brooks. "Porn is Vital to Freedom, Says Rushdie." 8 Aug. 2004. The Sunday Times. 8 Apr. 2008 .

Green, Jonathon, and Nicholas J. Karolides. Encyclopedia of Censorship. New ed, New York: Fact on File, 2005. 1-698

Jones, Micheal E. Sexual Liberation and Political Control. South Bend: St. Augustine's P, 2000. 1-662

"Miller Test." 11 Mar. 2008. 8 Apr. 2008 .

"Pornography." 8 Apr. 2008 .

"Pornography Addiction." 6 Apr. 2008. 8 Apr. 2008 .

Taylor, Max, and Ethel Quayle. Child Pornography. East Sussex: Brunner - Routledge, 2003. 1-229

White, Amy E. Virtually Obscene. Jefferson: McFarland & Company, 2006. 1-179

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