Argumentative Essay On The Hidden Web

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Today’s media outlet has become a source for a plethora of information for people of any age and background to search through and inform themselves. However, this information is not entirely meant for the pure of heart. The internet is a dangerous place, if one is unfamiliar with how to navigate it properly. The Deep Web, Hidden Web, or The Invisible Web, as most internet dwellers call it, is a term for the submerged parts of the World Wide Web whose content is not indexed by standard search engines for various reasons. With the right tools, these parts of the web are reachable and the horrors that await can mentally scar those who are not prepared for its mysteries. Tor is a tool used for accessing the deep Web. Tor is government made browser …show more content…

According to the study of Iffat and Sami (2010), The Deep Web is approximately 7,500 terabytes (7,500,000 gigabytes) of information that is publically accessible. Nearly 550 billion individual documents are present in the deep web, which eclipses the one billion that can be found on the surface web. These documents can be found on over 200,000 deep Web sites and still currently exist. The deep Web sees an average of 50% more monthly traffic than surface sites and are more highly linked to than surface sites, (pp 1-2). To be fair, it is also worth mentioning that not all of the deep Web is unsavory adult content. Many of these sites are first-rate content sources but have been deliberately excluded from the index of major search engines and have been locked out. This could be for many reasons, which include narrowing down search …show more content…

The content the deep Web holds is where the actual fear is produced. The deep Web is notorious for having explicit and restricted content that can land many individuals on watch-lists by merely viewing them. Hard Candy and Pedo-Planet are two websites that can be found on the deep Web. These websites contain graphic and explicit imagery of children being sexually or violently exploited by adults. The Hidden Wiki is an infamous site known for listing uncensored information relating to illegal activities, such as, money-laundering, contract killing, cyber-attacks for hire, contraband chemicals, and bomb crafting. Silk Road is a site that can be used to buy illegal drugs or similar substances. There are also links that can lead one to sites that host child pornography and abuse imagery. Al-Qaeda strategies can be found as well. The sites that can actually get you on the FBI’s watch-list are the child pornography sites. Other sites would require the viewer to buy something for one to be technically doing something

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