International Migration And International Migration

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According to the James T. Fawcett (1986) migration is ‘the movement of a person from one location to another and it can be understood to take many forms, including a relatively permanent change of residence from one city or rural area to another and to which a move from one neighbourhood to another within the same city and also it involve a temporary moves because of personal matters. Migration play an important role in redistribution and thus has distributed and balancing between the population and resources. As stated in above, literally, migration can be divided into two phase to which internal migration and international migration.
As a convenient, internal migration involve someone’s movement to which involves domestic or in the country meanwhile international migration involve out and enter which a person movement has across the countries. In Asia, the concept of migration seems nothing new about it. Even the history proves itself. According to the Migration Survey Report in Malaysia, …show more content…

But these do not apply on a clear definition of migration. Thus, migration is actually the movement of a person or a group of people from one geographical unit to another and it is also has across the administrative or even political border. ‘Migration is a natural phenomenon as old as history itself’. Basically, most of the migration in the old times is based on the condition of country. Due to the economy activity at that time not involving in the large scale if there is it, it is only happened in the small scale like we often heard the ‘barter system’ or an activity which involve the exchange of product. Thus, they have managed more to personal lay activity in their daily life. But, there is some sort of matter in marriage or plenty reason like religious matter could successful the migration cross the

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