Strengths And Weaknesses Of The International Criminal Court Essay

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The International Criminal Court (ICC) is dependent upon ratification from states that are willing to give up their own jurisdiction in order to have a stronger enforcement of international crimes. Without support from major states, the ICC will continue to struggle in following through with its promise to promote its main purposes, “justice, peace, and stability” (Simmons, 226). The International Criminal Court has many merits, but also has many weaknesses, but based on the provided articles, I personally believe that the International Criminal Court is an organization worthy of my support.
Of the strengths that the ICC holds, its ability to reduce conflict and increase the amount of peaceful negotiations, which have a positive effect on
Although I am an American citizen, I do not agree with the way that the United States is so against the ICC and any supporter of the ICC. The US went as far as to “bar US participation in UN peacekeeping missions to countries belonging to the Court, and cuts off military aid” (Mayerfield, 95). I believe that by taking these said actions, the US is moving further away from creating global peace, and more towards an unjust society. I believe that because all are at risk of persecution from the ICC, there is a lesser amount of impunity around the world. No matter what rank one holds in society, there is no leeway or freedom from being punished for committing a crime that violates human rights. Less future and current violators of human rights are committing the same crimes with the same previously held mindset that they would walk away unpunished by the law. The ICC has had significant contributions in our world’s movement towards peace and justice. The Court has given national governments the ability to strengthen their own enforcement of human rights, more of a push to “work harder to prosecute and prevent the worst violations of human rights” (103) due to the high risk associated with ICC intervention, and the expected boost that the Court gives to the “prestige and importance of international law” (104). The International Criminal Court’s contributions listed above are only a small depiction of what they have done and what they continue to do through its efforts to restore peace, justice, and stability in international politics despite any criticism they may encounter along the

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