The Characteristics Of Intellectual Humility

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Intellectual Humility is when the “critical thinker habitually recognizes the limits to his knowledge and experiences”, (Stanley). On a scale between intellectual humility (10) and intellectual arrogance (1), I stand halfway between the two or sometimes teeter between a four and a six. Since I am stubborn, I believe I am neither strong nor weak in the two extremes. I tend to think I know more than I do until I am proven wrong. An example of this is while in my choir class, I constantly argued with my friend about the answer to a problem: math, chemistry, English, you name it. While we both proved each other wrong countless times, I was proven wrong many more times than he was. An example of where I was strong in intellectual humility was the day I discovered the reasons behind my mother’s actions. I …show more content…

On a scale between intellectual courage and intellectual cowardice, I lean strongly towards intellectual courage (8-9). I believe one of the main reasons this is so is because I am compassionate but stubborn. I’ve always taken the opportunity to listen to other’s viewpoints so that I can understand why they think, speak or act the way they do. My stubbornness allows myself to listen but continue to think a specific way. An example of this is when my best friend moved out of her mother’s house her sophomore year of high school. I gave her support, listened to her reasons behind moving and picked her up whenever she fell down, but I never could get past her decision. She reasoned she wasn’t getting the discipline and attention she needed, while I, as a bystander, saw both sides of the situation and found that both my best friend and her mother lacked and fought for each other’s attention unknowingly. Before my best friend realized the negative impact she made with her decision, it was too

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