Integrated Curriculum Design or Subject-based Approach - You Decide

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“The Integrated Curriculum Design or Subject Based Approach? You decide!” Educators are now at odds because of their view on which is the best practice approach to teaching young children. There are those that believe that teaching and learning should offer separate and distinct courses that are offered by the Subject Based Approach Curriculum. While others believe that teaching and learning, should involve the fusion of all the disciplines in the courses as offered by the Integrated Curriculum Design.
Historically the education system was mainly of the teachings and learning, that focuses is on content or discipline that was being taught. This type of teaching and learning is known as “Subject Base Approach or Subject Centered Approach”. In subject-centered curricula, the subject matter itself serves as the organizing structure for what is studied and how it is studied. In its purest form, the curriculum for each subject-area is designed by subject-matter experts and is intended to be studied using subject-specific methods and tools of inquiry (Burton, 2013). The Subject Base Approach is the process of the in-depth teaching and learning of specific subjects or disciplines in isolation. All focuses are placed on the subjects' or disciplines' (Mathematics, English, Languages, Science, Religious Education, Physical Education,...........) content area.
Integrated curriculum was first explored by educators in the 18th and 19th centuries (Brewer, 2007).Theorist had devise and developed a new way of teaching and learning, Known as the “Integrated Curriculum Design”. According to (Wishon,1998), integrated curriculum implies connects between and among disciplines, rather than isolation of subject areas. The inte...

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