The APA Ethical Principles Of Psychologists And Code Of Behavior

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The warden’s request, as mentioned in the scenario given, for an evaluation is no difference from other requests posted by judges to forensic psychologists and psychiatrists for probation and sentencing purposes (Weinberger & Sreenivasan, 1994). The answer to the given question is yes, the evaluation should be completed and conducted by Dr. R to evaluate the inmate’s long history of violent behavior. A psychological test or evaluation as stated in the APA Understanding psychological testing and assessment, mentioned that “Psychologists use tests and other assessment tools to measure and observe a client’s behavior to arrive at a diagnosis and guide treatment,” (American Psychological Association, 2015). The inmate as mentioned in the vignette, …show more content…

The issue arises within the warden’s second request to perform the evaluation without the inmate being informed, is a violation of the APA code of ethics which it is required for a member of the mental health professionals to follow. The APA Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct (2015), under Standard 3: Human Relations, subheading 3.07 entitled Third-Party Requests for Service, it explains what expectations that a professional need to follow. These expectation are for professionals to inform the third-party such as the prison warden, of the professional’s requirements and responsibilities regarding ethical obligations (Code of Ethics, APA, 2015). It is reasonably necessary for Dr. R to inform the warden with reasons why it is important to follow protocols such as ethical guidelines and codes regarding informed consent. The same Standard 3: Human Relations, subheading 3.10, which states the requirements for informed consent. a) When psychologists conduct research or …show more content…

It is essential to understand that mental health professionals should be able to uphold with the same Code of Ethics and Standards from one professional to other. Professional should have responsibility or liability for the practice that they perform and the services that they carry out to the people. If one professional does not follow the standards and ethics that they practice, other professionals will take advantage of their obligations and the Code of Ethics and Standards will not be of good use to the people that they

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