Information Technology In The 21st Century

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In 21st century the information technology has become a part and parcel of every person’s daily life. It has been defined as the century of advancement of and application of information technology which act as a change agent in different aspects of business and society. Generally speaking, information is defined as knowledge derived from experience, study or instruction. Technology is defined as a use of material tools and techniques and applications of knowledge to the practical aims of human life. So, information technology is defined as the use of computers and information are associated which has the ability to electronically stores, process, input, output, transmit, design, implement, receive data and information, support or management of computer based information system, particularly computer hardware, services and software applications. Information technology applications are used in almost every aspects of life i.e. Science and engineering (observation of weather conditions, computer aided design, computer manufacturing design etc.), business and commerce(tracking payments and supplies, point of scale, robots etc.), Education (instruction methodology by use of computers, …show more content…

Through this organization done accurate business planning, effective marketing, achieve higher global goals, more systematic management, instant customer support and real time monitoring, make better decisions, tools for better decision making, solve complex problems, and improved resource management. Without use of information technology we cannot think of long term business growth and it is the best way to make more profits, faster. Information technology continuously increasing the communication, efficiency and effectiveness of business operations, and productivity of

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