Influences of Drainage Construction on the Natural Environment

606 Words2 Pages

Natural environment include plant and animal habitats that have been affected by drainage projects. Plant and animal species whether wild and non wild that lived in natural land face various problem due to drainage construction.
Due to salt accumulation and toxic materials all aspects of the landscape were negatively influenced. Principally, morphology changes of land created undesirable condition by removing natural greenery. This mechanism led to increase erosion and loss of habitats for wild animals. Erosion increased due to destroy the plant cover. Soil compaction decreased overall soil infiltration and porosity. Chemical materials contaminated water sources for plants and wild. Increased chemical substance especially salt, destroyed habitats and lowered biodiversity in the landscape. Often these intensification factors were not only environmentally damaging, but they were also economically inefficient created large fields via removing natural greenery. Thus, agricultural soil drainage interferes with all of these functions. Wetlands commonly provide proper habitats for hy...

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