The History Of Online Infidelity

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Our textbook talked about the topic of “digital infidelity” very briefly, so I decided to do some research and learn more about this topic.
Article 1
The article “Online infidelity: The new challenge to marriages” by Angelina Mao and Ahalya Raguram, reveals that the advancement of Internet, although beneficial to Mankind in numerous ways, also has some challenges. Among these challenges is online infidelity, which is being perceived just as traumatic as actual infidelity. Infidelity refers to violation of marital agreement, which encompasses the betrayal of one’s trust as well as posing a threat to the pre-existing marital bond. With the rise of Internet and social media, there has been unprecedented increase in the interactions with people that they know and others that they might not know, but share similar interests (Mao & Raguram, …show more content…

This type of infidelity encompasses a romantic or sexual relationship that is done with another individual other than one’s spouse. Not only it starts there, but is also maintained online through the use of various communication and interaction platforms. Online infidelity takes place when an individual who is already engaged in a serious relationship, undertakes an involvement in computer based interactive relationship. There has been a raging debate as to whether the interactions that occur in the chat rooms amount as infidelity. Online infidelity has been categorized as infidelity since it encompasses exclusivity, which is a privilege accorded to the spouse and which is broken through the chat room conversations. The level of secrecy involved in the conversations in these chat rooms never gets to the spouse. Similarly, the authors of our textbook claim “even if the couple does not meet, men and women still tend to think of online relationships as a form of betrayal that is associated with relationship problems.” (Lamanna, Riedmann, & Stewart, 2018, p.

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