Negative Effects Of Industrialization

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The Industrial Revolution played a huge role in society, both back then, and still remaining to this day. It delivered new products, a faster production rate, and more goods. However, there were also negative effects that refuse to go noticed. With long hours of labor, including the work and effort of children, it brought deformities as well as diseases. Along with those terrible aspects of Industrialization, there were also disgusting living and working conditions. But, all thanks to the new inventions and other impacts made on society, there was a positive effect caused by this era. While some might argue that Industrialization had primarily negative consequences because of its child labor and unsafe working as well as living conditions, it was actually a positive thing for society. Industrialization’s positive effects were it brought an ample amount of goods, faster production, along with new inventions. First off, I strongly believe that Industrialization delivered a mainly positive impact due to all the new inventions it brought. Before this era, the community had to build things with their bare hands, and transportation was extremely limited. For example, prior to the invention of railroads and the steam We would have to rely on natural light; we would have no books, no computers or any electronics in general, we would be forced to walk everywhere. Basically, the positive effects of experiencing an Industrial Revolution strongly outweigh the negatives. Yes, a sizeable amount of casualties as a result of the difficult past, but times have since improved immensely. For example, during the 1800s, the average life span of a man was forty to fifty years old, and today, it is around seventy to eighty years old. Due to the positive effects of the Industrial Revolution, to this day we have more than enough clothing, a stable living environment, and famine is

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