India and Nuclear Disarmament

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India and Nuclear Disarmament Works Cited Not Included India’s stronghold on their position about nuclear weapons and disarmament has been a major issue for the United States and Chinese governments for the past 50 years. Their history with Pakistan has been far from peaceful. Many events and policies have led up to their current state. The nuclear testing in May 1998 has only escalated the situation. " India is alone in the world in having debated the available nuclear position for the past 35 years." Why should India be denied the right to own nuclear weapons? The question is does India really want nuclear weapons and if so what would be their objectives? Throughout their history India has strongly been opposed to a nuclear nation. From the time when India became a free nation until now their policy has been unchanged. It still remains " the countries national security in a world of nuclear proliferation lies either in global disarmament or in exercise of the principle of equal and legitimate security for all." When India entered the world as a free country in 1947 the nuclear age and the Cold War had already begun. India decided to reject the nuclear policy. They believed that nuclear disarmament would increase their security as well as the security of the world. Who knew it was going to be such a struggle and as of now one of the most important issues on the nations agenda. India has had many continued attempts at achieving this goal, but have all come and gone with little impact. The 1950’s began this string of unheeded calls to nuclear disarmament. Who would have thought that the halfway point in a great century would be known as the " mushroom cloud era"? This was due specifically to the dozens of nuclear weapon... ... middle of paper ... ...ts were simply to reassure the people of India with confidence of their capabilities. The country is still fully committed to the promotion of peace. Despite the sanctions the U.S. is still a supporter of India and China is an avid supporter of Pakistan. The U.S. was either unable or unwilling to restrain China in its proliferation to Iran and Pakistan. This made things even worse for India. I think India was smart to become nuclear. They had to, to stay safe. Right now we are close to nuclear disarmament. All the powerful countries have nuclear weapons, but no one in their right mind is going to use them. It would bring the world into a nuclear holocaust. As long as everyone follows the rules and plays it safe we should be trouble- free for a few years anyway. Obviously there are going to be small battles and disagreements. It is what makes the world go round.

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