Persuasive Essay On Border Security

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Increasing border security would benefit the United States because less immigrants coming over to the US would decrease violence, drug trafficking and many other problems related to illegal immigration. Security would make the borders safer for people to cross if they gave doctors. Less cartel would scare of the customers for the vendors and less violence would mean more peace in this world. If borders had more security, it would deter the immigrants from making the dangerous trip that costs many their lives. Often times, people who try to make the trip die of starvation, dehydration or are killed by other immigrants. Immigrants would not be able you cross the river if we had more security because we would catch them before they had a chance …show more content…

The drug lords will be finally caught at the borders and it will won’t be afraid to cross anymore the stores will be open again and it will be safe the military won’t be scaring anybody away. The drug lords will be caught at the border the violence will stop less people will be taken from their family. The cartel will not a have a way to come back in. Mexico and countries around the border should have more security. “Let’s start getting some details so can resolve this challenge once and for all” (Clegg 1) they want for all the borders to come together and face all the challenges they need to make the country, city and state much better they can also just become united and come together because they would need to be a force together. A nation without borders is not a nation. The borders of a country enable it to have control over its resources, people and facilities. It is therefore mandatory for United States have good border security and control its borders for the purposes of reducing the number of illegal immigrants in the nation. The United States government has made efforts to ensure border security for the purposes of creating a border control system that ensures that only those who are legally allows to enter United States will be able to do so. For almost a decade now, there have been a large number of illegal immigrants in broken immigration system. Border security and immigration must go hand in hand because protecting the borders will help reduce the number of illegal immigrants entering the United States. According to Council of Foreign Relations (2009) the number of illegal immigrants in the United States are more than the number of legal immigrant and an estimated number of fourteen million people live in families whose head are illegal immigrants. Immigration has been

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