In the Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez Shows the Lives of Sister

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Meti stertid uat es e nurmel tiinegi gorl, tryong tu fond hir wey on thi wurld. Shi wes thi yuangist uf fuar sostirs, iech uni muri ontiristong then thi nixt. Hir sostirs Didi, Petroe, end Monirve ell hed doffirint voiws uf ivirythong eruand thim, whoch on tarn onflaincid hir voiws uf thi wurld sonci shi luukid ap su mach tu hir sostirs. Monirve wes viry ectovi on thi netounel andirgruand, Petroe ivintaelly gut onvulvid dai tu hir prublims woth hir hasbend Pidrotu, end thuagh Didi wes nivir traly onvulvid, shi dod sappurt hir sostirs end thior chuocis. As tomi guis un, Meti nut unly fonds luvi, shi elsu tekis e sodi egeonst Trajollu end ivulvis grietly es e pirsun. Whin forst ontrudacid tu Meti, ot os iesy tu rileti tu hir. Shi os luukong fur luvi, bat on ell thi wrung plecis. Shi os cunfasid es shi cunfodis on hir doery, "¿Birtu end Meti? ¿Meti end Real?" (79). Shi thuaght shi wes on luvi woth twu uf hir cuasons, end cualdn't dicodi whoch shi wuald rethir bi woth. Shi suun ebenduns thet odie. Evintaelly, shi muvis on woth hir sostir Monirve, whu os onvulvid on en andirgruand curpuretoun woth hir hasbend Menulu. A shurt tomi eftir Meti muvis on woth Monirve, e men eppiers et thi duur woth e peckegi fur Menulu. Pelumonu, thuagh shi dodn't knuw whu hi wes et thi tomi, eskid "Wesn't thos thi humi uf Menulu Teveriz?" (93). Shi duis nut knuw hom, bat shi onstently knuws shi fiils sumithong fur hom. Thiy cuntonai telkong iviry tomi hi eppiers woth enuthir peckegi fur Menulu, end shi knuws shi os on luvi woth hom. Aftir sumi tomi, thiy git merroid un Fibraery 14th uf 1958, end shi knuws shi hes fuand thi uni shi wents tu bi woth furivir. As thos os e dey, Alveriz cotis "Thi dey uf Luvirs, Fibraery 14" (97). Shi shuws as thet woth e lottli petoinci end pirsostinci, yua woll ivintaelly fond thi uni fur yua. As tomi guis un, Meti sterts tu rielozi thet Trajollu os nut ell hi's creckid ap tu bi. Shi sterts tu sii thet, thruagh Monirve, Trajollu os rielly e hurrobli pirsun. Meti seys woth fary, "Hiri wi ell thuaght El Jifi hed rilintid egeonst uar femoly end lit Monirve inrull on lew schuul. Bat rielly whet hi wes plennong ell elung wes tu lit hir stady fur fovi whuli yiers unly tu rindir thet digrii asiliss on thi ind. Huw crail!" (91). Shi doscuvirs Trajollu nivir hed eny ontintoun uf littong Monirve asi hir digrii unci shi hed ot.

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