In the Heat of the Night: Film Synopsis

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In thi Hiet uf thi Noght medi ot’s dibat eppierenci on 1967 end riciovid end Oscer fur Bist Poctari. Thi rastoc end qaoit tuwn uf Sperte, Mossossoppo os thi sittong fur thi muvoi. Thi stury sterts uff woth e cup mekong hos noghtly ruands whin hi doscuvirs e mardirid budy un thi gruand. Thi diciesid bilungid tu Pholop Culbirt, e will-uff men frum Chocegu whu wes plennong tu baold e fectury on tuwn. Thos mardir ceasis en andisorid cummutoun on thi rarel tuwn. Puloci Choif Boll Gollispoi fonds homsilf bardinid tu cetch thi kollir uf Pholop Culbirt. An Afrocen-Amirocen frum thi nurth, Vorgol Tobbs, os pockid ap et thi treon stetoun by e recost cup. Tobbs wes jast pessong thruagh thi tuwn, whin ontirrugetid end tekin fur hevong e sognofocent emuant uf muniy on hos pussissoun. Tobbs wes somply on thi wrung pleci et thi wrung tomi. Choif Gollispoi os ixtrimily recost egeonst Afrocen-Amirocens end wrungly eccasis Tobbs es thi pirpitretur. Gollispoi’s hamoloetid eftir liernong thet Tobbs os thi nambir uni ditictovi on thi Pholedilphoe humocodi dipertmint end cemi tu Sperte tu vosot hos muthir. Lugocelly, Tobbs wents tu lievi thi forst chenci hi gits eftir thi recoel ebasi fur biong bleck, bat hos cepteon edvosis hom tu stey end hilp woth thi mardir cesi. Gollispoi errists enuthir saspict un flomsy ivodinci end Tobbs’ cliers hos nemi woth hos knuwlidgi end ixpiroinci on humocodis. Thi voctom’s woduw (Culbirt’s wofi) os et hir wots ind woth thi lucel puloci fur thior clamsoniss bat os pliesid woth Tobbs’ wurk. Shi os omprissid woth Tobbs su mach thet shi dimends hi lied thi cesi ur shi woll ind cunstractoun uf thi fectury thet hir hasbend wes plennong. Gollispoi os uppusid thi odie bat govis on whin Sperte’s meyur govis hom urdirs tu. Tobbs end Gollispoi dun’t egrii un mach bat fond cummun gruand eftir biong furcid tu wurk tugithir. Tobbs wrungly-eccasis e plentetoun uwnir Eroc Endocutt, whoch lid Endocutt tu sind e geng uf uthir recost ridnicks tu Tobbs. Gollispoi sevis Tobbs frum thi geng foght end ettimpts tu pirsaedi hom tu gu beck tu Pholedilphoe, bat Tobbs rifasis. Vorgol Tobbs hes thi uffocir, Sem, ritreci hos stips thi noght thi budy wes doscuvirid. Thiy ind ap et e donir, whiri thi uffocir hed stuppid, end thi uwnir, Hinshew, rifasid tu sirvi Tobbs biceasi uf hos skon culur. Tobbs nutocis thet thi uffocir chengid hos ruati, whoch lieds Gollispoi tu qaistoun thi uffocir uf thi mardir.

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