Examples Of Medical Errors In Healthcare

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INTRODUCTION The main objective of healthcare professionals is to provide the best quality of patient care and the highest level of patient safety. To achieve that objective, there are many organizations that help to improve the quality of care. One of the best examples is the Joint Commission. Unfortunately, the healthcare system is not free from total risks. In healthcare activities, there are possible errors, mistakes, near miss and adverse events. All of those negative events are unfortunately preventable. But, it is clear that errors caused in healthcare thousands of deaths in the United States. In healthcare systems, there is a concept of fair and just culture. That concept is important to manage the risk. In any organization, errors can happen. But, the best first tool to understand the error is to report it when it happens. Reporting error …show more content…

People must be concerned about it more in developing countries. Since there are lacks of the medical errors evaluation structures in some countries, the outcome is always catastrophic. In Africa for example, many countries do not properly report the data. In Republic of Guinea, there are no official data concerning the medical errors. In those countries, there are no risk for the physicians to lose their licenses because there no structures to control their errors. In the United States, the medical errors are big concerns; the reporting systems of errors are developed. Errors in the United States can cause to the physicians the suspension of their licenses and/or their revocation. There are several types of medical errors. Those errors are including, but not limited to: Treating the wrong patient; administering the wrong medicine to the patient; doing surgery on the wrong part of the body; extraction of wrong tooth; forgotten a surgical object inside the body (gauge in abdomen for example); fake doctors in Africa. Many of those errors are

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