The Importance of Yeast for Humans

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Yeast is a single- celled fungi which may grow fast if it is in the right condition and environment (The University of Arizona, n.d.). This fungi is egg shaped and very small and can only be seen with a microscope. The cell has a very thin membrane to it (HowStuffWorks, n.d.). Yeast are found in the water, in soil, on the skins of humans and animals, and on the surface of plants. A yeast cell reproduces asexually by budding. However, when conditions are adverse the cell reproduces sexually until conditions return to normal.
There are many different kinds of yeast and some have great importance to humans. Yeast is rich in vitamin B and some types are used as diet supplements. Yeast can also be used for medical purposes but it can also cause diseases. Scientists sometimes genetically engineer yeast in order for it to produce large quantities of certain hormones or enzymes which can reduce inflammation and heal wounds. Most notably, yeast is necessary to make foods such as cheese and leavened bread.
Yeast requires a form of sugar or starch as food and a moist temperature. The best temperatures for growth is from 43.3°C- 46.1°C though it depends on the type of yeast used (The University of Arizona, n.d.). Yeast obtains food from fructose, glucose, and other monosaccharides, which is found in most fruits (HowStuffWorks, n.d.). Other yeasts can make simple sugars with disaccharides. The breakdown of sugar, called fermentation, produces alcohol and carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide produced makes the bubbles in beer and in some kinds of wine. The carbon dioxide also causes the bread to rises. The alcohol can also help make wine or beer or whiskey.
Yeast in baking has many roles (Red Star Original, n.d.). It is most widely known to rise the dough through fermentation. However, the yeast also does other things. One such duty is to help the dough develop. The yeast also adds with the aroma, flavor, and texture of the dough. Because of this, it is important to store the yeast in the correct conditions.
Now let’s get off of this yeast topic and talk about the different types of sugars and sweeteners. Brown sugar is a crystalline sucrose combined with a small amount of molasses. Depending on the type of brown sugar, the molasses is either added to refined white sugar or left intact with the sugar crystals (Morcel, n.

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